About the Award
Since its inception in 2011, the annual Kenneth G. Wilson Award for Excellence in Lattice Field Theory has recognized physicists who have made recent, outstanding contributions to lattice field theory.
The award is presented each year at the Lattice International Conference, recognizing research that made important contributions to lattice field theory. Physicists honored with this award receive:
- A certificate citing the contributions of the recipient
- A modest monetary award
- An invitation to present their cited work in a short plenary talk at the next conference (with the conference registration fee waived)
The award is named after Nobel Laureate Kenneth Wilson (1936–2013), who founded lattice gauge theory in 1974, permitting such theories to be studied numerically using powerful computers. Wilson endorsed the first award by writing a letter to the community reaffirming the importance and research challenges in this field of physics.

Michael Wagman
For key contributions to lattice QCD studies of noise reduction in nuclear systems, the structure of nuclei, and transverse-momentum dependent hadronic structure functions.
Selection Committee
- Swagato Mukherjee (chair)
- Constantia Alexandrou (vice-chair)
- Maxwell Hansen (2021 award recipient)
- Takashi Kaneko
- Liuming Liu
- Stefan Meinel
- Sasa Prelovsek
Antoine Gérardin
For outstanding work on first-principles computations of hadronic contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon.
Selection Committee
- Margarita García Pérez (chair)
- Swagato Mukherjee (vice-chair)
- Maarten Golterman
- Takashi Kaneko
- Liuming Liu
- David Schaich
- Phiala Shanahan (2020 recipient)
Yong Zhao
For fundamental contributions to calculations of parton physics on lattice.
Selection Committee
- James Zanotti (chair)
- Margarita Garcia Perez (vice-chair)
- Xu Feng
- Maarten Golterman
- Luchang Jin (2019 recipient)
- Marina Marinkovic
- David Schaich
Maxwell T. Hansen
For pushing the boundary of finite volume quantum field theories.
Selection Committee
- Kari Rummukainen, chair
- James Zanotti, vice-chair
- Martha Constantinou
- Zohreh Davoudi, 2018 award recipient
- Xu Feng
- Taku Izubuchi
- Marina Marinkovic
Phiala Shanahan
For excellence in the study of hadrons and nuclei in lattice QCD and for pioneering the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques to lattice field theory.
In light of the cancellation of the Lattice 2020 conference due to the pandemic, the 2020 award ceremony will be a virtual colloquium hosted by the Bonn group (the Lattice 2020 LOC) during their Bethe colloquium series on November 12, 2020, at 16:15 Central European Time (10:15 a.m. US Eastern Time).
Selection Committee
- Aida El-Khadra, chair
- Kari Rummukainen, vice-chair
- Raúl Briceño
- Sara Collins
- Martha Constantinou
- Taku Izubuchi
- Masakiyo Kitazawa
Luchang Jin
For his outstanding contributions to the calculation of the hadronic light-by-light scattering component of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon.
Selection Committee
- Julius Kuti, chair
- Aida El-Khadra, vice-chair
- Antonin Portelli, 2016 recipient
- Gert Aarts
- Sara Collins
- Masakiyo Kitazawa
- Chuan Liu
Zohreh Davoudi
For fundamental contributions to lattice field theory in a finite volume that are essential for performing lattice simulations of complex systems.
Selection Committee
- Christine Davies, chair
- Julius Kuti, vice-chair
- Antonin Portelli, 2016 recipient
- Chuan Liu
- Stefan Sint
Read the 2018 award press release
Raul Briceno
For groundbreaking contributions to the study of resonances using lattice QCD.
Selection Committee
- Shoji Hashimoto, chair
- Christine Davies, vice-chair
- Stefan Meinel, 2015 recipient
- Silas Beane
- Stefan Sint
Read the 2017 award press release
Antonin Portelli
For outstanding contributions to our understanding of electromagnetic effects on hadron properties.
Selection Committee
- Hartmut Wittig, chair
- Shoji Hashimoto, vice-chair
- Gergely Endrödi, 2014 recipient
- Anna Hasenfratz
- Silas Beane
Read the 2016 conference summary
Stefan Meinel
For substantial and timely contributions in new research directions in physics of the bottom quark using lattice QCD.
Selection Committee
- Sinya Aoki, chair
- Hartmut Wittig, vice-chair
- André Walker-Loud, 2013 recipient
- Anna Hasenfratz
- Sinead Ryan
Read the 2015 award summary
Gergely Endrödi
For significant contributions to our understanding of QCD matter in strong magnetic fields and to QCD thermodynamics.
Selection Committee
- Stephen Sharpe, chair
- Sinya Aoki, vice-chair
- Norman Christ, 2012 recipient
- Maria Paola Lombardo
- Sinead Ryan
Read the 2014 award summary
André Walker-Loud
For significant contributions to our understanding of baryons using lattice QCD and effective field theory.
Selection Committee
- Andreas Kronfeld, chair
- Stephen Sharpe, vice-chair
- Karl Jansen, 2011 recipient
- Shoji Hashimoto
- Maria Paola Lombardo
Read the 2013 award summary
T. Blum, P.A. Boyle, N.H. Christ, N. Garron, E. Goode, T. Izubuchi, C. Jung, C. Kelly, C. Lehner, M. Lightman, Q. Liu, A.T. Lytle, R.D. Mawhinney, C.T. Sachrajda, A. Soni, and C. Sturm
For their paper titled “The K → (π π)I=2 Decay Amplitude from Lattice QCD,” which addresses one of the longest-standing challenges in our field. This work has led to the first reliable results in weak kaon decays.
Selection Committee
- Sinya Aoki
- William Detmold
- George Fleming
- David Lin
- Harvey Meyer
- James Zanotti
View the 2012 certificate
Xu Feng, Marcus Petschlies, Karl Jansen, and Dru B. Renner
For their paper titled “Two-flavor QCD correction to lepton magnetic moments at leading-order in the electromagnetic coupling,” which describes a new application of lattice methods, applied in a timely fashion, and making an impact on an important (current) discrepancy for the muon magnetic moment.
Selection Committee
- Michael Buchoff
- Luigi Del Debbio
- George Fleming
- Phillippe de Forcrand
- Rajiv Gavai
- Shoji Hashimoto
- Jim Hetrick
- Karl Jansen
- Frithjof Karsch
- Joe Kiskis
- Derek Leinweber
- John Negele
- Kostas Orginos
- Giancarlo Rossi
- Sergey Syritsyn
- Pavlos Vranas
- Joe Wasem
- James Zanotti
View the 2011 certificate
View the 2011 award presentation slides

To recognize outstanding contributions in lattice field theory.
The award is given annually to recognize physicists who are within seven years of completing their PhD at the time of initial nomination for their outstanding contributions in lattice field theory.
The prize consists of a certificate citing the contributions of the recipient, a modest monetary award, and an invitation to present the cited work in a short plenary talk at the 41st Lattice Conference, which will take place at the University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, from July 28 to August 3, 2024. The registration fee for the conference will be waived.
2024 Nomination Information
First-time nominees for the 2024 award must have received a PhD (or equivalent) after December 31, 2016, with suitable adjustment in cases with career breaks. Nominations will be reviewed in the year received and remain under consideration for up to two additional years.
Self-nominations will also be considered on equal footing with the other nominations.
Previous recipients of the Kenneth G. Wilson Award for Excellence in Lattice Field Theory are not eligible for a second award.
Nominations should be made by sending:
- The nominee’s CV, which should include the nominee’s full publication list
- A completed nomination form
- Two reference letters (including one from the nominator in cases where there is one) explaining and justifying why the nominee should receive the award
Nominations and reference letters should be emailed to swagato [at] bnl.gov (swagato[at]bnl[dot]gov) with the subject line “2024 KWA nomination: Name of the nominee.”
Nomination deadline: May 10, 2024
2024 Selection Committee
- Constantia Alexandrou (vice-chair)
- Maxwell Hansen (2021 award recipient)
- Takashi Kaneko
- Liuming Liu
- Stefan Meinel
- Swagato Mukherjee (chair)
- Sasa Prelovsek